What We Do

Most career consultants will ask you a few questons, look at their job boards, and place you in a role that will make you some money. But Ready4 takes a different approach. We see the value and importance of work. Time and time again, our clients have proven that money follows passion. Love what you do, and everything else falls into place.  

Ready4 experts work with you to determine where you truly belong in the professional world. We offer personality and strengths tests, one-on-one interviews, and personalized career charting tools to find your purpose in the working world. We usher you through the entire process from, "What do I want to do with my life?" to "I absolutely love my current job!"

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We start by building a profile of your unique personality, strengths, and opportunities. Then we'll match you with a specialized career consultant who will be your point person throughout the process.

Podcast Launch Express

You'll work with your consultant to design a clear vision of your personal and professional passions. Together you'll brainstorm career options, available jobs, and brands with aligned values to unlock new opportunities.  

Metaverse Podcast Launch

Your consultant will provide resources to find jobs, develop your skillsets, target employers, and land the perfect job. This consultant remains your contact to provide ongoing support along your career journey.

Let's Get Started

"Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life." - Confucius